Chapter Text
Group Chat: “We’re in charge for some reason…what should we do about it?”: Definitely Shouldn’t Be, Technically Not, Actually is, Medically Required to Be, and Just Here to Look the Part are ACTIVE.
Technically Not: would you love me if I was a worm?
Definitely Shouldn’t Be: oh comdr Fox! Cdx got the comms wrking!
Just Here to Look the Part: why do you write like that
you KNOW it hurts the eyes
Actually is: oh kriff
Medically Required to Be: I’m gonna agree with Lex on that one
tho it is nice to be able to check in without the shuttling process
Definitely Shouldn’t Be: type fast
toooooo many letrs to not
also im wth Rush
Just Here to Look the Part: why do I miss you?
Actually is: aren’t you busy with your new cyarese?
Just Here to Look the Part: shut up, Lex
Actually is: I will be talking with them when we land
Technically Not: you’ll like them ori’vod
and none of you answered my question
Medically Required to Be: I’d still love you Codex
Wouldn’t stop working to try and turn you back into a vod
But I’d still love you
Just Here to Look the Part: same here, Codex
You’re my favorite kih’vod
Technically Not: I’m your only kih’vod
Just Here to Look the Part: my point stands!
Actually is: of course I would
Definitely Shouldn’t Be: obvi!
Technically Not: okay good
Don and Grave said as much but I wanted to be sure
Actually is: now that that’s taken care of
Sit rep?
Definitely Shouldn’t Be: well
Rush n I r now chatting w/Ponds and Mace on our own comms instead of 1s stolen from fronties!
Actually is: not what I meant but good for you Apex
Medically Required to Be: Hetic and Prost are trying to finagle Kix and Jesse’s comm codes out of Boil and Waxer of the 212th
Just Here to Look the Part: don’t you already have Kix’s?
Fives and Echo have it, they’ll take care of it?
Actually is: I don’t want to know
Medically Required to Be: I do
Technically Not: me too!
Actually is: no
none of us are going to know
we’ll wait and see and respond like good kriffing ARCs
Commander Fox help us
Definitely Shouldn’t Be: I’m bth EXcited and terrified!
Just Here to Look the Part: how the kriff did you spell that right?
Definitely Shouldn’t Be: I am a vod of mny talents!
Medically Required to Be: Rush told him
Definitely Shouldn’t Be: yeah Rush told me
Actually is: ah kriff
I found out what Flex’s fronties are up to
Definitely Shouldn’t Be: oh?
Technically Not: oh?
Medically Required to Be: oh?
Just Here to Look the Part: oooh yay!
*A new group chat has been made by USER:Fives*
*Group chat has been named: “The Ex’s and Their DCs”*
*USER:Fives changed USER:Flex’s name to Pretty*
*USER:Fives changed USER:Lex’s name to Scary*
*USER:Fives changed USER:Apex’s name to Strong*
*USER:Fives changed USER:Hex’s name to Medic*
*USER:Fives changed USER:Codex’s name to Baby*
*USER:Fives changed their name to PrettyFives*
*PrettyFives changed USER:Echo’s name to PrettyEcho*
*PrettyFives changed USER:Hetic’s name to MedicHetic*
*PrettyFives changed USER:Prost’s name to MedicProst*
*PrettyFives changed USER:Kix’s name to MedicKix*
*PrettyFives changed USER:Jesse’s name to MedicJesse*
PrettyFives: ok
I’m tired
Echo take over
PrettyEcho: lazy
*PrettyEcho changed USER:Rush’s name to StrongRush*
*PrettyEcho changed USER:Mace’s name to StrongWindu*
*PrettyEcho changed USER:Ponds’ name to StrongPonds*
*PrettyEcho changed USER:Cantina’s name to ScaryCantina*
PrettyEcho: should we send an invite to Lexicon?
PrettyFives: no
read the chat name, Eyayah
only the Ex’s and their DCs
Baby: I am not allowed to carry a DC
only knives
PrettyFives: why?
Pretty: for the safety of others mostly
Codex has a hair trigger
and osik’la aim
Scary: we got them through the marksman modules by sheer dumb luck
I see my name and the naming convention for this chat and have this to say
PrettyFives: I stand by my choice
Medic: They don’t mean actual DCs, Codex
MedicProst: fronties get weird about kriffing
MedicHetic: DCs is code for their partners/kriffbuddies/whatever
PrettyFives: *GASP*
That is a BABY!
Scary: that is my kih’vod
they aren’t sheltered
Baby: just because I am the way I am does not mean I do not understand bodily desires
or romantic ones
I just find them unnecessary
Strong: and Lexicon would off any1 who tries
they have 1st rite if Codex ever wans to try it out
Baby: they do
Pretty: I don’t know that I’ll ever understand fronties
PrettyFives: so does Lexicon just hang out with Codex on the off chance they’ll wanna get with them?
That’s a little kriffed up
Medic: no they’re effectively attached at the hip cause they’re friends
just if Codex ever DID want to try
Lexicon would be right there
Baby: they are safe and we get along
I do not want to
nor do I think I ever will
but it is nice to know I have them if I ever do
and Lexicon loves me
however makes me the most comfortable
and that is platonically
Pretty: they’re disgustingly healthy
don’t worry about it, Fives
PrettyFives: mmk
lemme know if I ever do need to?
Pretty: of course
StrongPonds: what in the fresh Sith hells is this?
StrongRush: a group chat, Cmdr
these are our actual comm codes and not the ones we stole from some fronties
StrongWindu: clever naming convention
PrettyEcho: I feel mildly intimidated with a High General in here…
StrongWindu: oh
I can leave
PrettyEcho: nah
we’re all connected via one batch
I’ll get used to it
MedicKix: Hex
Medic: …
MedicHetic: a lot of planning has gone into it
Medic: …
I’m going to go find something to smother myself with
MedicJesse: Hetic?
MedicHetic: yes, Lt?
MedicJesse: make us a private group chat real quick?
MedicHetic: ???
Of course!
ScaryCantina: why is it that Lex is the only emotionally intelligent one in the batch?
that’s not what I signed up for
I signed up for shenanigans
StrongRush: your riduur is an ori’vod, vod
you totally signed up for this
ScaryCantina: fair
Lt. Jesse, I am going to hold you accountable if anything happens to Hex’s wellbeing that I don’t like
MedicJesse: yes ma’am
ScaryCantina: good man
Scary: yes?
ScaryCantina: let’s go let off some steam
Scary: kriff yes!
I’m gonna go get Fox
He needs it
ScaryCantina: of course, cyare
Scary: maybe Quinlan too
Strong: aww
I wish I was there
PrettyFives: do I want to know what that means?
Pretty: they’re gonna brawl
PrettyEcho: brawl??
With or without plate?
Strong: both
StrongRush: they’ll start off in plate
Then when it hurts to move they’ll take it off
StrongWindu: should I be worried about one of my Masters?
Baby: Quinlan will only fight them each once
Except for Cmdr Fox
They will go a few times
And then probably kriff on the mats if Lex and Tina do not stop them
Scary: no kriffing
Only brawl
ScaryCantina: we’ll send them back to their bunks before they get too far
protect the delicate fronties sensibilities
PrettyFives: hey!
PrettyEcho: yeah! Hey!
Baby: Echo
You got embarrassed when you found out Grave was in the vents
Pretty: yeah you don’t have a whole lot of room to talk, cyar’ika
StrongWindu: it seems that Corrie Vode tend to line up more with Jedi sensibilities than the GAR does
StrongPonds: General??
StrongWindu: we’re empaths, Ponds
we already know when others are kriffing
what does it matter if we see it?
Strong: …
I am so turned on rite now
StrongRush: me too
don’t worry, Cmdr
you’ll get used to the Corrie way sooner or later
StrongWindu: I like your little faces Rush
they are very cute
StrongRush: !!!
Pretty: hmmm
I approve!
well pending the on-planet visit
Strong: :D
*A new group chat has been made by USER:Hetic*
*Group chat has been named: “Hex’s Harem”*
*USER:Hetic has changed their name to MUTED*
*USER:Prost has changed their name to SPEAKER*
*USER:Hetic has changed USER:Hex’s name to The One*
*USER:Prost has changed USER:Jesse’s name to Lt. Extra*
*USER:Hetic has changed USER:Kix’s name to CMO Fancy*
Lt. Extra: delightful
MUTED: glad to help!
The One: why?
SPEAKER: you know why
For some reason
Despite you and Kix both agreeing to give this a shot
You’re acting like it’s the end of the world whenever you interact
MUTED: you’re a corrie, hex, act like it
CMO Fancy: the kriff does that mean?!
MUTED: corries don’t get like this about relationships
Or kriffing
or situationships
or whatever the kriff you want to call it
SPEAKER: Corries know what’s at stake and how little time means in the grand scheme of things
Lt. Extra: regardless
I asked Hetic to make this chat so you two could have a safe space to work out whatever the kriff this is
The One: I don’t think that’s your call
Lt. Extra: Hex. From what Kix has told me, I’ll probably really like you, and I already like Hetic and Prost from what little I’ve seen
But that doesn’t change the fact that I am Kix’s riduur first
So this is absolutely my call
you two are going to figure this out
right now
while Hetic, Prost, and I are here to help
MUTED: bad time to mention that was hot as kriff, right?
SPEAKER: seconded
Lt. Extra: yes it is
MUTED: mmm yessir
SPEAKER: yup, mmhmm, totally, can do
The One: you’re both impossible
MUTED: I will kriff you against the wall while making you have this conversation
don’t test me
The One: …
Lt. Extra: yep, definitely hot as kriff
What the haran I did not plan for this
SPEAKER: Hetic is very good at The Voice
Lt. Extra: wonderful
CMO Fancy: I don’t know why Hex is being awkward, but for me its cause we haven’t seen each other since Kamino
We were different vod then
Lt. Extra: you two were literally on the same ship four or five time since we rescued the Corries
How they kriff haven’t you figured this out yet?
SPEAKER: well I don’t know about Kix
but Hex’s go to when it comes to awkwardness or emotions is avoidance
MUTED: we had to corner him to confess to him
and then we had to do it like
sixteen times?
The One: it was three
SPEAKER: pretty sure it was more than three
The One: if you count the times you told me with actual words what you wanted?
it was three
if you count all the times you flirted or tried to get me in bunk
it was eleven
I have no idea where you got sixteen from
MUTED: never claimed to be good at math
The One: you and Prost literally ran bucket first into figuring out how prosthesis are made and how to implement them into the Guard
math is required for that
SPEAKER: yeah but that’s math math
this is relationship math
it’s different
The One: whatever
I knew you had a crush on me during training, Kix. And despite me wanting to…try this out, it’s awkward because I don’t know HOW
after everything we’ve been through
Lt. Extra: and Kix hearing you getting your brains kriffed out by Prost and Hetic the first time he heard about you after being his trainer probs didn’t help either
on his side
The One: the kriff????
SPEAKER: when?
MUTED: me’ven?
CMO Fancy: Jesse…
Lt. Extra: what? It was simultaneously the hottest and funniest thing ever
you got your after sex face but also looked like your world was rebuilding itself all at once
i got a holo of it actually
*Lt. Extra sent a holopic. View? Yirt/Nern.*
that’s hot
MUTED: love your hair, vod
very sexy
The One: …when was this?
CMO Fancy: not too long after we got you all on board. We were on a call with Cmdr Fox about how to wake up sleeping Corries without injuring ourselves and he said he’d call you…
Lt. Extra: I was very impressed with how loud you were, Hex, we heard it over the comm!
SPEAKER: ooooohhhhhhh
that was after Risk kicked you out of the medbay
MUTED: first time we got to have him in a bed for more than a quickie!
very good times to be had for sure
Lt. Extra: wow!
don’t like what THAT implies
moving on
The One: well obviously I didn’t know about that until now
CMO Fancy: yeah…
I didn’t realize you knew I had a crush on you on Kamino
The One: I’d have to be blind and deaf to not notice, vod
you weren’t subtle
MUTED: would have paid actual credits to see it
Lt. Extra: you have credits?
that’s the point
Lt. Extra: same
CMO Fancy: oh
The One: it was flattering
but I was your trainer
I couldn’t do that
CMO Fancy: you…reciprocated?
The One: yeah
I did
SPEAKER: don’t mind me eating bangcorn over here
MUTED: me either
Lt. Extra: you better share!
CMO Fancy: I regret so much right now
how did with both end up with riduure nothing like us?
The One: we needed them like that
I am excited to see you on the planet, Kix
CMO Fancy: …
Me too, Hex
SPEAKER: awwww
The One: moment ruined
MUTED: would it be more or less ruined if I offered holo sex?
Lt. Extra: holo sex?
is that what it sounds like?
SPEAKER: us kriffing while you both are on holo and also possibly kriffing and/or just watching?
Lt. Extra: sign me the kriff up!
CMO Fancy: Jesse!
Lt. Extra: you can’t say you aren’t interested, Kixy
I can see your DC
The One: I’m not opposed
CMO Fancy: Hex?
The One: something you should probably learn sooner than later, Kix
my sex drive is incredibly high
SPEAKER: that is very true
MUTED: insatiable
but we’ve gotten him there a few times since getting on the ships
SPEAKER: I love these ships, not gonna lie
excited to see another planet besides Coruscant tho
Lt. Extra: we can go on a nice hike
take food with us
kriff in the wilderness
it’s really life changing
CMO Fancy: sounds nice, Jesse
Although I’m still stuck on holo sex
you really want to, Hex?
The One: very much so
the idea of you watching me…
is thrilling
MUTED: wao
he’s already hard
you two busy?
SPEAKER: lemme toggle the lock
CMO Fancy: …give us five
Lt. Extra: I knew getting some Corries was a good idea!
MUTED: oh, Lt., you aren’t ready for THESE Corries, I promise you. ;)
Lt. Extra: mark me down as super horny now
running to the medbay with a DC ready to fire is an EXPERIENCE
CMO Fancy: less chatting more running, Jesse
The One: yes please
Lt. Extra: osik
Group Chat: “The Corries You Didn’t Know You Needed”: General Natborn, Commander Vod, Sergeant Corrie, and Trooper Corrie are active.
Sergeant Corrie: sry about earlier, Cmdr Ponds
didn’t mean to upset you
Trooper Corrie: yeah
We’re real sorry about it all
Commander Vod: I wasn’t upset!
General Natborn: you were a little upset
Commander Vod: I just
I’m not used to it yet
I’ll get there
Trooper Corrie: you don’t have to get used to it, vod
you don’t have to force yourself to do anyhting
we should have recognized your boundaries and respected them
Sergeant Corrie: we’re normally bttr about it all too
ain’t nobdy as repscfu l as a Corrie
Commander Vod: I still don’t like that sentence
General Natborn: it’s not as bad as some of the other things they’ve said
Commander Vod: fair enough
I am excited to see you both on the planet though
Sergeant Corrie: me too!
we were avble to con sum fronties in ta lettin us mix sum paint!
all nice and preety for you
Trooper Corrie: I know you can spell, Apex
Sergeant Corrie: mor fun tis way
Commander Vod: it’s kind of fun
like a little puzzle to figure out what he means
General Natborn: and then if I can’t figure it out
Ponds will tell me
Trooper Corrie: well in that case
Continue on Apex
Sergeant Corrie: wus plnin 2!
Trooper Corrie: still hurts to read
General Natborn: it is a nice break from all the legalese and offical corospondence I’ve been getting from everyone and their sibling who needs something from me or the Jedi Order
It gets very old very fast
Commander Vod: your comms have been helping him with his stress actually
Yoda specifically chose us to rendezvous with the 501st and the 212th to give him a break
he was going to start mind tricking senators if he heard one more meat droid comment
Trooper Corrie: not going to lie
I would have paid real credits to see that
Sergeant Corrie: gud reaz to dig in2 the stash!
Trooper Corrie: are you trying harder to type badly now?
Really, Apex?
Sergeant Corrie: nut everyvod has the abilts 2 spell Rush!
n cmdr Ponds lyks it!
Commander Vod: I want to say there is a line
but this is still very entertaining
General Natborn: I agree
what’s this about a stash?
a stash of what?
Commander Vod: from context clues
probably credits
Trooper Corrie: it is credits
normally from various places on planet with less than legal holdings
General Natborn: you take credits from criminals?
Trooper Corrie: we take credits from criminals
it helped to supplement the medbay after we stopped getting bacta
General Natborn: Force preserve us
Ponds is messaging all of his batchmates now
that’s always chaotic
I’m sorry you two
we can comm call later
Trooper Corrie: that’s fine
Should’ve expected it tbh
I’m going to convice Apex that said comm call will not be a comm sex thing
General Natborn: I mean
I’m not oposed
Sergeant Corrie: omf!
General Natborn: I’ll see you later, Apex
your shell won’t be required
Trooper Corrie: ejfhposz;ufihg;a jb;/
Sergeant Corrie: yessir!
Group Chat: “Manager? I can’t even Manage myself?”: M. Cmdr Foxy, Cmdr Thorny, Cmdr Stoney, Cmdr Thirey, and Sgt. Houndy are active.
M. Cmdr Foxy: sit rep
Cmdr Thorny: oh hey!
Codex actually fixed the comms!
Nice to hear from you Foxy!
Cmdr Stoney: be honest, @Cmdr Thirey @Sgt Houndy how is Fox?
Cmdr Thirey: he and Quin have been having a LOT of sex
and I only caught them twice
Quin had to actually TELL me about the other times
Cmdr Thorny: Oh in the name of Commander Fox
That is…
Very impressive I won’t lie
Cmdr Stoney: good for you vod
you deserve it
M. Cmdr Foxy: how did we go from me asking for a sit rep to you all discussing mine and Quinlan’s sex life?
I would have said if you asked
Cmdr Stoney: more fun this way
in other news
Thorn got one of his crushes in bunk
Cmdr Thorny: STONE!
Cmdr Stoney: am I wrong?
Cmdr Thorny: yes!
no sex has been happening!
Cmdr Thirey: sus
Sgt. Houndy: I agree
very sus
Cmdr Thorny: you stay out of this
your sappy whatever the Commander Fox going on with Trapper means you can’t say osik
Sgt. Houndy: I disagree
pretty sure that me and Trapper DATING overqualifies me to talk abou this
Cmdr Stoney: when did you start dating?!!
that wasn’t on the G-Net!
M. Cmdr Foxy: comms have been up for four hours
have you all really been spending that time on the G-Net?
Cmdr Thirey: what else would I do?
I am NOT finding a frontie to be sappy with
and Quin’s been focusing on you
and Hound has been focusing on Trapper
needed something to spend time on
Cmdr Stoney: oh vod’ika
I’m sorry
I wish I was there to be your partner in (non) romantic crime
M. Cmdr Foxy: when did Apex and Rush find time to teach you that?
Cmdr Stoney: when I asked them
back to the point
Cmdr Thorny: our vod’ika has been suffering because of you two
@M. Cmdr Foxy @Sgt Houndy
what do you have to say for yourselves?
M. Cmdr Foxy: don’t let the os’ika fool you
he’s been kih’vod-ed by so many of the 212th
he’s having the time of his life
Sgt. Houndy: Trapper says Waxer and Boil are “obsessed with his chaotic gremlin energy” and want to “love him into relative normalcy”
Cmdr Stoney: you just memorize things he says?
where the Commander Fox did we go wrong that you ended up this sappy
Sgt. Houndy: first of all
I learned it all from the best rolemodels in the Guard
Fox and Quinlan
he’s here
*Sgt. Houndy shared a holo. View? Yirt/Nern?*
Trapper says hi
Cmdr Thorny: lol
hi Trapper
gonna interogate you once we’re on planet
fair warning
Sgt. Houndy: he says fair
also he likes our names
Cmdr Thirey: hssssssss
I know he’s the one who keeps siccing those two on me!!
M. Cmdr Foxy: I have no idea why I thought we could get actual work done here
comm me when you’re all over this nonsense
*M. Cmdr Foxy is inactive*
Cmdr Thorny: oops
Cmdr Thirey: Quin is with him
he said it wasn’t actually important
Fox just wanted to make sure you two were okay
Cmdr Thorny: I’m doing GREAT
Rex is a babe and I was right to crush on him from afar
still the second hottest crushes/partners in the room!
Sgt. Houndy: I’m gonna disagree with you on that
Cmdr Stoney: yeah
because your datemate is reading the chat
still not happy about that
Cmdr Thirey: Quin literally does it all the time?
Cmdr Stoney: yeah but I KNOW that mir’sheb
I’ve never met Trapper
Cmdr Thorny: you’ve seen the vids, Stone
literally you said you approved after the last one
Cmdr Stoney: stku Thorn!
Cmdr Thirey: don’t worry, Trapper
Stone is just playing up his namesake
he likes you just fine
Sgt. Houndy: Trapper just let out the biggest sigh of relief I have ever heard in my life
you succeeded in scaring him @Cmdr Stoney
you can unclench now
Cmdr Thorny: how did being sappy with a frontie make you into more of a shabuir?
this is amazing
Cmdr Thirey: still don’t want one
Cmdr Stoney: I dunno
they’re pretty handsome
very macho
Cmdr Thirey: you literally hate that
Cmdr Stoney: doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it!
Sgt. Houndy: fair
Trapper is VERY attractive
*Sgt. Houndy is inactive*
Cmdr Thirey: thorn I swear to Commander Fox
Cmdr Thorny: hey!
my frontie is busy!
Cmdr Stoney: how are we this much of a mess after not seeing each other for a few tenday?
this is ridiculous
Cmdr Thirey: all of our crazy matches in a very complex puzzle situation and as soon as one piece goes missing then we devolve into chaos unmatched by the galaxy at large
Cmdr Thorny: what the Commander Fox is all of that?
you taking poetry lessons from Fox’s batchmate’s Jetii, Thire?
Cmdr Stoney: explains a lot about Coruscant Guard Commanders
we were all a little off before Thire got here
Cmdr Thirey: that was all General Yoda
thank you
shenanigans call
comm me with anything interesting
*Cmdr Thirey is inactive*
Cmdr Thorny: don’t know why we’d do that
the best part about Thire is that he never knows anything
Cmdr Stoney: he is getting better
Cmdr Thorny: slowly but surely
I’m so proud
Cmdr Stoney: oh go find your frontie and figure out how the Commander Fox you’re going to get Skywalker in bunk
Cmdr Thorny: good idea!!
The holo was blank one second and then bursting with color and light the next, the cam focusing on a darkened hallway on a nondescript Venator class ship.
It bobbed along slowly as a voice started to meander out of the speakers in a relaxed drawl.
“Hello again to all my vode on the G-Net. This is Echo because Fives has been grounded by our cyare for shenaniganary reasons but he got pinged on his comm to look at one of the large training rooms that we’ve had the Corries camped out in.”
His voiced quieted as the holo got closer and closer to the door, silence ringing as the door slid slowly open.
The room was dark for the most part, until every single Corrie in the room’s head popped up, blankets and sheeting falling to the side to show that the entire room full of Guard were all on their comms, several vids from G-Net autoplaying as they looked away.
A hand waved in front of the cam and several of the Corries waved back, a few greeting Echo with confused voices.
“Sorry. Someone pinged Fives that he should check out the room for his vid series.”
“How to Care for your Corries, right?” a nearby vod piped up, voice quite young but not THAT young.
Echo turned the cam to look over at the trooper who spoke, face barely visible in the darkness but eyes reflecting the light from their comm.
“Yeah. Have you been watching it?”
A few of them nodded but more shook their heads.
“I’ve been trying to catch up on everything happening with Hex and his harem.”
“Hunting down all the QuinFox footage.”
“Taking stills of Flex and his fronties for reasons.”
“I like watching Captain Lex just destroy everything the fronties know about the Guard. Very theraputic.”
“I’ve been compiling a series of vids of fronties being sad about the regular osik we had to put up with on Triple Zero. Theraputic in a different way!”
The holo moved up and down but stayed focused on the first vod who spoke, carefully watching Echo the entire time the other Corries told him what they were doing.
“I have watched all of it. Your partner has been very respectful about us despite making a vid series without our knowledge based on all the things that are different for the Corries than the fronties.”
The delivery was deadpan, but Echo still shifted the cam while he shifted on his feet, clearly hearing the light admonishment in the Corrie’s voice.
“Fives did make the vid series to be as respectful as possibly while making it educational and entertaining for the rest of the GAR. I don’t think he ever thought through the whole thing and if any of you would watch it…we didn’t even know your comms weren’t working.” Echo’s voice was light but kept a serious tone.
The unknown Corrie nodded before settling back down and resuming their vid watching, clearly finished with the conversation.
“You know…” another Corrie spoke up, carefully shifting away from the group they were piled with to speak more directly to Echo, “Fives could also…talk to us? We might be a little different than fronties, but we’re all vode. We’d be honest about it.”
Slowly the holo moved up and down.
“I’ll let him know. He’s more than happy to talk to anyvod about any and everything to think of…maybe make sure he has Flex with him to translate anything he doesn’t get.” Echo responded, carefully shifting out of the room.
“Thanks.” The rest of the Corries still paying attention to Echo nodded at him before turning back to their comms, engrossing themselves with the G-Net and everything it had to offer since its inception.
The holo slowly faded out.