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Are you active in Telegram? Do you want to follow the statistics of your channel? Do you want to analyze competitors' channels? Are you actively buying ads in Telegram?
You're at the right place
Dashboard with major information
The major stats' dashboard shows the most important channel statistics
subscribers growth dynamics
dynamics of joins/lefts
average posts reach
advertising reach of posts
number of posts
citation index
subscribers gender
channel's age
Subscriber growth by hours
We track the hourly growth of subscribers in the channel and show what caused it. Tracked:
mentions in channels and groups
external traffic
ads on the official platform
Complete picture of the channel's ad mentions
We collect all mentions of the channel and group them by key parameters.
is the channel promoted exclusively by compilations?
what is the percentage of mentions in the cheating channels?
how many mentions were there on the big channels?
in which subjects and countries is it advertised?
All this on one screen for instant analysis. Click on any indicator will show the details.
Statistics of posts views
Show detailed analytics by post:
the growth of views on post in dynamics by 10 minutes / by hours / by days
part of the views received as a result of the forwarding of the post
list of channels that shared the post
engagement of subscribers to post
tabular data on views
TOP quoting and quotable channels
Grouping the forwards and mentions by channels, showing the number of mentions in each of them.
Full archive of mentions
We show the full history of mentions of the channel since 2017 with convenient filters:
by type of mention
by source type
by the number of subscribers
Efficiency of advertising placements
Tracking all the ads in the channel and calculating their efficiency.
when ad was published? / how long did it stay in the top? / when was deleted?
what did the ad creative look like?
how many views, forwards, reactions did the advertising post get? (dynamics by the hour)
how many subscribers were attracted to the advertised channel?
How does a channel attract audience?
Show to what extent the channel is buying ads, calculate the total advertising reach received, and the growth of subscribers during that period.
Grouped by month or day.
The most popular content in the channel
We show the most popular posts in the channel
by views
by shares
by forwards
by comments
by reactions
Posts release schedule
Show the days and hours when there are posts in the channel, and in which quantity.
Does the author follow the planned schedule or do the posts come out chaotically?
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Dashboard with major information
The major stats' dashboard shows the most important group statistics
participants growth dynamics
dynamics of joins/lefts
active participants DAU/WAU/MAU
participants online by time of day
number of messages
participants gender
group's age
New group participants
We show the recently joined participants
who and when has joined? how many messages have been sent?
The most active participants
We show the top most active group participants
Online participants
We show when the participants of the group are online
The most active hours and days
We show when the participants are most active for communication in terms of the days and time of the day
And more, much more...
Cost Premium Analytics
0 rub.
- the number of requests to the service is limited, some tools are unavailable or available with restrictions
2490 rub. / month
- 1 account
- for individuals, with payment on the website by bank card or electronic wallets
5290 rub. / month
- 1 account
- for legal entities and companies, with the conclusion of a contract and a payment to a bank account
Send to E-mail Send to Telegram
16290 rub. / month
- up to 5 accounts
- for legal entities and companies, with the conclusion of a contract and a payment to a bank account
Send to E-mail Send to Telegram
More about benefits of Premium-subscription
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